During our initial visit, Jon Sneider will walk the property and provide you with a comprehensive analysis regarding the current condition of your lawn, shrubs and trees. We will recommend the best package to suit your needs, including detailed service information and pricing. While other companies may unnecessarily blanket your property with a generic blend of chemicals, Jon Sneider Corporation - Healthy Lawn and Tree prides ourselves in customization and customer service, treating each lawn as needed, thus producing superior effects.

Lawn treatments are customized based on your concerns and needs. Each package is unique and will maximize results.


Lawn care treatment packages

Natural, Organic LAWN Care

Our PREMIUM FERTILIZER PACKAGE includes 5 fertilizer applications approximately every 6 weeks. This package helps green and thicken up the lawn, and controls crabgrass, weeds and insects. This is our most popular package, with guaranteed results.

Our BASIC SYNTHETIC FERTILIZER PACKAGE includes 5 fertilizer applications every 6 weeks. This package helps green and thicken up the lawn. This package does not control crabgrass, weeds or insects

Our ORGANIC FERTILIZER PACKAGE includes 5 organic fertilizer applications every 6 weeks. This is a 100% organic application to help green and thicken up the lawn. This package does not control crabgrass, weeds or insects. This is option 100% pesticide free.


SPOT SPRAYING helps with a more intense approach to eliminating crabgrass and other types of weeds you might see in your lawn, such as broadleaf, clover, ground ivy, etc. This treatment will not harm your grass. With our signature spot spraying service, we will spray only infected areas of your lawn that have weeds. Since different weeds germinate at different times of the year this service is performed 4x per year.


AERATION is a process that removes small core plugs from your lawn so that air, water, and fertilizer gets to the roots faster. Your lawn needs to breathe. It also loosens up compacted soils so that roots have room to thrive. We highly recommend OVERSEEDING with high quality, durable seed during this service visit.

SLICE SEEDING is a process in which a machine slices your thin lawn areas and inserts grass seed into the grooves to thicken lawn


Maintain your trees and shrubs with services that range from fertilizing to disease and insect control. Trees take decades to mature - our goal is to nurture them and keep them free of disease and insects to help them live long, healthy lives, and above all else, beautify your property.

SHRUB AND TREE DEEP ROOT INJECTION is a balanced fertilizer we use for maximum growth and flower production. This service is ideal for bedding plants, flowering shrubs, and woody ornamentals like hydrangeas.

SHRUB AND TREE SPRAY - DISEASE PREVENTION helps prevent diseases such as rust, fungi, anthracnose, and leaf spots.

SHRUB AND TREE SPRAY - INSECT CONTROL helps control insects such as mites, adelgids, scales, and caterpillars.

WINTER SHRUB SPRAY reduces potential winter shrub damage by spraying an anti-transpirant to coat leaves and protect plants from winter kill, windburn, drought, and transplant shock. The spray forms a clear, protective coating on foliage that helps plants retain moisture during plant stress.




MOSQUITO SPRAY eliminates mosquitoes on your property. We target all shrubs, woods, and long grassy areas.

TICK Control eliminates ticks on your property by controlling borders, grassy areas, swing sets, and wood piles.